Boston Ambulance Squad Award


The award shall be known as the “Boston Ambulance Squad Award.” There will be one recipient of $1,000. The winner shall be drawn by lottery.

Eligibility is limited to children or descendants of members of the Boston Fire Department uniformed fire fighting force and the Fire Alarm Division, both active and retired, who have not previously received the award. “Children” or “descendants” include lawful adopted children and grandchildren or great-grandchildren.

Eligibility is limited to eighth, ninth, tenth, and eleventh-grade students.

Monies from such award shall be used towards tuition only and will be issued as needed upon request of the parent or guardian of the recipient.

The recipient will receive no money directly. All funds will be paid to the school of choice.

Recipients must use the monies within eight (8) years (exclusive of military service) of said lottery, after which the money will be forfeited and returned to the fund.

The application shall be submitted online via the form below or printed out and submitted to the Relief Fund office (115 Southampton Street, Boston, MA 02118) before 8:00pm on May 2, 2025.


Agreement: I have read and understand the above rules and regulations by filling out the form below.